Review: Bearaby Small Hugget
- 🤑 Cost - $29
- 💳 Value - ⭐
- 💍 Quality - ⭐⭐⭐
I saw a Bearaby pillow on an Instagram ad, and I was unfortunately in the mood at the time to buy something small and fun for myself. When I saw the price ($129 for the one I saw on Instagram), however, I decided to opt for the significantly smaller version, which is not a pillow at all and instead just a…stress ball of sorts. A very overpriced stress ball. It’s made of the same nice material their blankets are made of, but it’s really just a $29 desk toy. And to just criticize it as a ball, the fact that it’s non-spherical makes it awkward to catch, so it’s not even like you’re getting an amazing ball for all common indoor ball-related activities.
However, it does get bonus points for being called a “Hugget”, which is very cute.